Sunday, June 16, 2013

Swingers Code?? #blog #swingers

Is there really a swingers code?? I must say I’m still surprised to know that many people have no idea what goes on around them. The topics least talked about are the exact ones that happen so frequently around us. 

In the south we have a chain of grocery stores called Publix. They’re nearly everywhere and on almost every corner. They have exceptional customer service, delicious cold subs, perfectly selected fruits… the list goes on. I’m talking like I own the place, but they really are one of my favorite stores. Actually the elderly woman who won the Powerball $600 million dollar jackpot purchased her ticket from this chain at a store outside of Tampa.

About a few years ago, I was at a dinner and the host realized she was short an ingredient. Me being the sweet person I am, I made an errand run. The closest store was Publix. I believe it was as I was leaving that she told me how popular this store was… they were notorious for attracting swingers.

Entering the store, I received the customary greeting and noticed nothing out of the ordinary. I blended with the other last minute and late night shoppers who moved through the aisles with concentration. Curiously I wandered the aisles looking for the swinger’s symbol, a pineapple perched on the top basket of the cart.  To my disappointment I saw nothing… no sign of a swingers code to signify "swingers on the prowl."

Now I’m not sure how factual this claim is…. A swingers grocery store? This had to be nearly 3 or 4 years ago so I’m sure by this point the standards have either changed or maybe ceased. I’m not a swinger, however I’m not opposed to swinging clubs which are populous and ((I hear)) fun. Any takers?? Would love to hear your story.


  1. Just think: there could be a different night for different folks: Swingers night, GLBT night, BDSM night, Vanilla night, Spanko Night...You'd definitely would want to know the "code" though..

  2. That would be awesome! I would leave the store with chicken and a number.... whoop whoop!

  3. The pineapple is one of those old myths regarding swinger identification. I feel for all those poor pineapple eating souls who were accidentally telling the world that they were swingers (when they probably had no idea what it meant). Heck, my pineapples always go in the top basket!

  4. I like your thought Cara! What a great way to shop hey A.I.? Lol Julie. I feel for 'em too. Adding my 1cent on the topic....I'm a swinger per se and have been for going on 3 years with my fiance who I've been with for 12 years and have two children with. We're still "novices" or not as "seasoned" as others and have heard nothing of this "pineapple" code. Maybe it's an American thing? *shrugs shoulders*
