Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Only the Weak Submit Part 1 #Excerpt #Fiction

It was nearly a week later when Maria thought to fulfill her promise. By then I had forgotten all about the lunch invite she and Alisa extended to me. Now current on her work, she insisted I allow her the opportunity to make up for her lunch absence.
The invitation caught me off guard considering she had spoken to me only in passing these last few weeks. She stayed tucked away in her office, seemingly more busy than everyone, including me.
                It was a relatively dawdling day, free off appointments. I used the majority of the day to review cases and client files. I was open and free to accept lunch invitations. Despite Maria’s remoteness, I obliged.
                We returned to the restaurant Alisa and I had our lunch two weeks prior.
                Again, unsure how the conversation would lead, I took the reins stating, “How are the client files coming? Oh, and are the marketing testimonial is completed for the site?”    
Her friendly expression didn’t match her irritated tone when she replied, “Must we discuss work at lunch?”
I nodded agreeably, “Well, how are things outside of work? You’re currently pursing your masters, correct?”
                She nodded, “I am.”
                “Well,” I pondered, “I know how daunting that can be. Especially given the hours you put in.”
She rolled her eyes, and the hostility baffled me until she expressed, “No work, remember?”
                “I see.” I said.
                “Do you?” she replied rather distastefully.
Unsure of why I was the object of her hostility I inquired, “Is there a problem?”
                “Do you have to control everything, all the time. Is that just simply your nature. Or are you simply filtering the weak in hope that one day someone will challenge you?”

1 comment:

  1. *fist pump* you go Maria! whowhowhooooo and the claws come out Reow Love it! I think Maria hit it on the head Ms. Kelly and she's definitely challenging you now uh huh!
