Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Rich or Poor, we all enjoy a little kink #excerpt #blog

Her lips curled around her words, yet I could hear nothing other than her declaration. She’s selling her practice.
The restaurant fell silent as I absorbed the news. My first reaction was pessimism. I wondered what event caused her to abandon the principal representation of her. An embodiment of everything she believed, everything she expressed. Her practice.
My auditory returned and she continued, “I have many uncharted experiences I wish to explore. I’ve worked long enough; it’s time for me to live darling. Are you not happy for me?”
My surprise overpowered me, I couldn’t speak. My eyes trailed the length of the wooden table, left to right. Finally I said, “Of course I’m happy for you. But are you sure?”
                “I’ve thought about it for a while now, don’t be so morose.”
She curled a strand of her dark brown locks behind her ear adding, “And the best part is you’ll be receiving my most exclusive clients.”
                My eyes snapped to her sharply, “You’re giving away your clients. Only five dear. It was one of my most irrefutable contingencies.”
                I threw up my hands, “Wait, you’ve already signed a practice transfer agreement?” I was on edge, struggling to keep up and make sense of this unexpected news.
                “Relax!” She demanded. “Nothing is finalized as of yet. But I have these clients whom are exceptionally near and dear to me and I wouldn’t trust them in the hands of anyone other than you.”
                “Did I work with them when I interned with you?”
                “Never. I would never allow an intern close to my premium clientele. They require ultimate discretion. Although the potential owner is exceptional, I do not trust her with these clients. I trust you.”
She sipped her wine, eyeing me suspiciously. She was wondering why I didn’t reverence her and scream with appreciation of her good deed.
                I said, “That’s very, very kind of you.”
                “Don’t bore me with courtesies, Noah. This will be very good for your business, trust me.”
I reached for my wine, swallowing a hefty gulp like it was water. She was right. This would be an excellent opportunity for me to expand my brand and reach an affluent market.
                Still I wasn’t sure. I said, “I really do appreciate the offer, but I’m really stretched too thin already, I can’t imagine five additional clients without hurting my existing clientele.”
                Her frustration mounted, again I was being ungrateful. “You’re a business owner, of course you’re stretched thin! Learn to delegate more tasks. No one expects you to be superwoman, but you.”
Intrigued by a thought she grinned, “If that new employee of yours is as good as you say then you’ll need her.”
She flipped the clasp on her very large double-handle leather Prada tote and retrieved a large confidential envelope. She eased it across the table, “This could be the beginning of the rest of your life, all you have to do is open the envelope. I will be here to guide you. By placing these files in your care, you are accepting this responsibility Noah. Seize your life.”

1 comment:

  1. Ahh it all makes sense now heheh Of course it would've if I'd read this part first lol
